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2022 PACE Applications Workshop

September 14-15, 2022
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This event will focus on future uses of PACE satellite data, research, and applications to benefit society and support decision-making in the context of water resources, air quality and health, climate, disasters, and ecological forecasting.

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Workshop objectives:
  • Provide an overview of PACE instruments, data, science & applications.
  • Understand critical needs and challenges of user communities that are interested in working with PACE data and develop action steps for addressing these challenges.
  • Cultivate strategic partnerships and community development, encourage engagement/inclusivity within the PACE Community of Practice, other Earth missions, resource managers, and decision-makers.
  • Identify and explore research and applications that align with PACE stakeholders and
  • that align with PACE stakeholders and decision-making communities.

The event is open to all participants. Registration is required, but free to attend.