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1st PACE Applications Workshop

September 22-23, 2020

This two-day workshop provided an opportunity to engage with PACE end-users exploring topics of air quality, public health, water quality and resources, disasters, climate modeling, and ecological forecasting. The workshop built a trans-disciplinary dialogue centered around the PACE mission and how its anticipated data products may be leveraged to advance society and inform decision-making. This workshop encouraged open collaboration with individuals and organizations from diverse backgrounds, including universities, government agencies, and commercial, non-profit, and private sectors.

Leveraging Design Principles to Inform the Next Generation of NASA Earth Satellites

Day 1: Wednesday September 23, 2020

[Click on links to view videos]
11:00 AM
Workshop Welcome & Logistics [Clip 1, 00:10:07]
  • Host: Erin Urquhart (NASA/SSAI)
Session 1: Introductions & PACE Overview
  • Themes
    • Introduce NASA's PACE mission and applied science at NASA
    • Provide an update on the PACE mission, project science, and data products/formats
11:15 AM Engagement/Icebreaker Activity
11:30 AM
NASA Applied Sciences: Society & Science
  • Speaker: Woody Turner (NASA HQ)
11:50 AM
  • Speaker: Jeremy Werdell (NASA GSFC)
12:10 PM
  • Speaker: Antonio Mannino (NASA GSFC)
12:30 PM LUNCH
2:00 PM
Session 2: Engaging with Stakeholders and Understanding Their Needs
  • Host: Joel Scott (NASA GSFC/SAIC)
  • Themes
    • Understand users’ perspectives, needs, and challenges, in the context of satellite earth observations supporting society and decision-making processes
    • Identify where PACE can add value and inform policy and resource management
2:05 PM
  • Speaker: Blake Schaeffer (USEPA)
2:35 PM
Panel: Stakeholder Stories [Clip 5, 01:01:57]
  • Moderator: Kim Locke (NASA GSFC/UMD)
  • Panelists: Federico Hampl (BioLand Costa Rica); W. Scott Pegau (Oil Spill Recovery Institute); Daniel Inouye (Washoe County Health District); Mindy Sweeny (Normandeau Associates, Inc.)
3:35 PM Engagement Activity [Clip 6, 00:18:43]
4:05 PM
Day 1 Closing
  • Host: Joel Scott (NASA GSFC/SAIC)

Day 2: Thursday September 24, 2020

[Click on links to view videos]
10:00 AM
Day 2 Workshop Welcome & Logistics
  • Host: Joel Scott (NASA GSFC/SAIC)
Session 3: Building a Bridge between PACE & Decision- Makers
  • Themes
    • Bridging the gap between societal needs and science/technology at NASA
    • Define critical needs and challenges shared by different application communities
10:05 AM
  • Speaker: Stephanie Schollaert Uz (NASA GSFC)
10:35 AM BREAK
10:45 AM
  • Moderator: Maria Tzortziou (CCNY)
  • Panelists: Clarissa Anderson (SCCOOS); Jordan Borak (ESSIC UMD); Antar Jutla (UFL); Heather Holmes (UUtah)
11:45 AM Engagement Activity [Clip 9, 00:20:44]
12:15 PM LUNCH
2:00 PM
Session 4: Connecting with the PACE Research Community
  • Host: Erin Urquhart (NASA GSFC/SSAI)
  • Themes
    • Bringing it all together: societal needs plus effective applications that connect & serve, supported by the PACE research community
    • Identify how the research community’s products can be applied in novel ways
2:05 PM
  • Speaker: Karl Bates (Duke University)
2:35 PM
  • Moderator: Heidi Dierssen (UCONN)
  • Panelists: Fred Huemmrich (UMBC/NASA); Matteo Ottaviani (Terra Research Inc.); Nima Pahlevan (NASA/SSAI); Cecile Rousseaux (NASA/USRA); Snorre Stamnes (NASA LaRC)
3:40 PM Breakout Sessions: Science Focus Areas
3:40 PM Water-centric: PACE biogeochemical stocks, pigments, and inherent optical properties [Clip 12, 00:30:28]
  • Moderators: Ivona Cetinić (NASA/USRA); Lachlan McKinna (Go2Q Pty Ltd)
3:40 PM Atmosphere-centric: PACE aerosol and cloud [Clip 13, 00:30:22]
  • Moderators: Andy Sayer (NASA/USRA); Kirk Knobelspiesse (NASA GSFC)
3:40 PM Advanced topics: PACE radiometry & atmospheric correction [Clip 14, 00:30:32]
  • Moderators: Amir Ibrahim (NASA/SSAI); Susanne Craig (NASA/USRA)
4:10 PM Report out from Breakout Group Discussion [Clip 15, 00:07:54]
  • ProjSci Breakout Moderators
4:25 PM Workshop & Day 2 Closing [Clip 15, 00:07:54]
  • Host: Erin Urquhart (NASA/SSAI)

PACE Project Science Leads: Pre-Recorded Introductions

To listen to the presentations: (1) download and open the PPTX files, (2) view the slides in slideshow mode, and (3) click on the sound icon in the center of each slide.
Ivona CetinicDr. Ivona Cetinić, PACE Project Science Lead for Biogeochemical Stocks
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / Universities Space Research Association
PACE Bio Geo Chemistry (PPTX, 55.9 MB) »

Amir IbrahimDr. Amir Ibrahim, PACE Project Science Lead for Atmospheric Correction
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / Science Systems and Applications Inc
Atmospheric Correction for PACE (PPTX, 57.1 MB) »

Kirk KnobelspiesseDr. Kirk Knobelspiesse, PACE Project Science Lead for Polarimetry
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
PACE Polarimetry (PPTX, 76 MB) »

Andy SayerDr. Andy Sayer, PACE Project Science Lead for OCI Clouds / Aerosols
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / Universities Space Research Association
PACE Atmospheres Data and You (PPTX, 20 MB) »

Lachlan McKinnaDr. Lachlan McKinna, PACE Project Science Lead for Bio-optics
Go2Q Pty Ltd
PACE Inherent Optical Properties (PPTX, 66.3 MB) »

Susanne CraigDr. Susanne Craig, PACE Cal / Val Lead for System Vicarious Calibration
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / Universities Space Research Association
PACE Inherent Optical Properties (PPTX, 57 MB) »

Becoming an PACE Early Adopter begins with completing an application using our online webform. After review, selected proposers will contacted by PACE Applications Program coordinators. The PACE Early Adopter Terms of Reference provides detailed information, including review and selection criteria.

There are many benefits to becoming a PACE Early Adopter. Interested? Contact us directly at pace-applications@oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov if you have any questions.